Fall is a tricky season to care for your lawn, but it might also be the most critical to your yard’s health. Without proper care in the colder seasons, your roots might not be in optimal condition for your grass to thrive in the Spring. We at AllGreen Lawn, Tree & Shrub Care want your lawn to flourish. We can ensure that when neighbors look twice at your yard, it’ll be in admiration; not disgust. Here are five tips for Massachusetts lawn care in the Fall.
ONE: Feed! Your yard is hungry. We don’t always think of our plants as living things, but your grass needs nutrients just like your kids. The only difference is that it won’t moan and complain when it needs fed; it’ll just look bad. At AllGreen we recommend that you fertilize your lawn twice in early-to-mid fall, spacing the feeds 6-8 weeks apart. But don’t wait too long; feeding too close to winter will weaken your grass, and if it’s going to sustain itself amidst a New England winter, it needs to be strong and healthy!
TWO: Mulch those beautiful leaves. It might be fun to watch your kids belly-flop into mountains of fallen leaves, but your lawn needs to breathe. Mulching allows the grass to receive sunlight that would otherwise be blocked by leaves, and provides useful organic nutrients to keep it in good shape.
THREE: Aerate. We all want our personal space. So does your grass. You can aerate your lawn by creating small holes in the soil. This allows oxygen to pass through, reduces compaction, and enables the grass to establish roots for the spring.
FOUR: Do your seeding now! Fall is the ideal time to seed your lawn because the chilled temperatures are best for growth. This will also help your grass mature for spring.
FIVE: Keep on mowing. It’s generally a good idea to cut your grass to 2.5” – 3” in the Massachusetts region, but be careful not to mow more than a third of an inch at a time. Any length higher than that might send your grass into a state of shock. (No, really.) Taking off too much all at once can reduce the lawn’s energy reserves, weakening the grass and making your yard more susceptible to weeds.
Fall is a beautiful season. With our tips on Massachusetts lawn care, you can keep your yard beautiful as well. AllGreen Lawn, Tree & Shrub Care can help with all of your lawn maintenance needs, so feel free to call us at (617) 327-5555.