With so many unusual weather patterns across New England the past few seasons, AllGreen has kept up with mosquito control concerns in Massachusetts to help keep our customers informed and educated. Residents are growing more worried about the implications of a wet spring, and it turns out, they have an excellent reason to be. New England weather is changeable! Should we expect a hot and wet summer, or a cool and dry one this year? Either way, we can prepare for a summer without mosquitoes. That’s why we offer mosquito control in Stoughton, MA, and the surrounding area.
“Summer” Wet, Some Are Not!
You probably remember recent summers that featured more rain than not. In 2021, we got rained out on both Memorial Day and Fourth of July weekends. According to CBS News, the summer of 2021 was Boston’s fourth wettest on record. July alone was the second wettest on record. We had measurable rainfall on 19 out of the 31 days in July.
Could have a repeat of some of that rain this summer?
Mosquitoes thrive in the wet. They look for areas of stagnant water to lay their eggs, and with a lot of rain, they won’t have to look very hard. On top of that, they thrive in temperatures above 80 degrees. It can get too hot for mosquitoes, which is why you’ll notice that they bite less on very hot days. However, the diseases they carry are more active and more transmissible at high temperatures.

Mosquito Control in Stoughton MA by AllGreen
Keeping up with draining stagnant water on your property will only do so much. Especially if there is consistent rainfall. Hopefully, this summer will be an improvement over last year. So far, we’ve had a beautiful Memorial Day! But it’s still best to be prepared and protect your property and your family against mosquitoes. The best way to be prepared? Mosquito control in Stoughton, MA, from AllGreen of course!