While you can’t always count on the weather, there’s one thing you can count on: mosquitoes and a lot of them. Even during a wet summer, people are still heading outside whenever they can. Mosquitoes thrive in wet areas, so mosquito control in MA is imperative when the weather is wet. Luckily, AllGreen Lawn Care is here for all your mosquito control needs.
Not only do these pests make for an unpleasant outdoor experience, but they also carry a variety of diseases. However, by following these mosquito control methods, you can take back the outdoors.
Eliminate breeding sites on your property.
Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. While you may think of murky ponds, these insects aren’t that particular. Mosquitoes will lay their eggs in small puddles of water that have gathered anywhere around your yard. Take the time to inspect your yard for pools of water carefully. Be sure to check under your deck and around the edges of your yard. Children’s play areas are also common breeding grounds. Buckets, shovels, and other items that collect rainwater are inconspicuous and often overlooked. Old furniture or yard items that are no longer used are another common element.
Consider getting a bat house.
Natural predators are one of the safest and best defenses against the mosquito population. If you live in a wooded property, consider adding a bat house. Even if your property isn’t wooded, poles can also serve as an excellent location for a bat house. We know that most people aren’t fans of bats, but they eat mosquitoes! Having a few nearby can cut down on the mosquito population near your home.
Research insect repellents.
There are several mosquito repellents available at any given store. However, many of these solutions contain ingredients like DEET that some people choose to no longer use. Set aside a little time and research the various products and ingredients on the market. From all-natural essential oils to DEET-based repellents, the options are plentiful. Regardless of which product you choose, having an added layer of protection is always the best path.

Contact your local MA mosquito control company.
No matter what measures you take, there will still be mosquitoes. However, with the help of our team at AllGreen Lawn Care, you and your family can enjoy the outdoors like never before. Our team offers a range of mosquito control programs perfect for any yard, any budget, and any situation.
With organic options, you can have peace of mind that not only your family is protected to the fullest extent, but also your pets. Contact our team today to inquire about the various programs we offer and get a free estimate.
At AllGreen Lawncare, mosquito control in MA is what we do best! Call us at 617-327-5555 in West Roxbury or 781-762-7080 in Norwood.