Core aeration is simply the single best thing you can provide for your lawn other than water! Cooler temps and wetter conditions mean it’s time to change up your lawn care program and routine. The team at AllGreen is happy to assist with any lawn care needs!

A word of caution: if your lawn has been recently seeded or had sod laid within the last year, hold off on lawn aeration until next fall. Although your lawn appears to be established, the root system is still delicate.
What is Aeration?
Aeration is the process of loosening the ground so new grass can grow. This procedure is common on land that is frequently trafficked, like a soccer or football field. The packed-in dirt causes many problems, including less airflow, more water runoff (creating muddy fields), and a thicker layer of thatch.
Thatch is the layer of dead grass and weeds that form above the dirt when the lawn is constantly under pressure from walking or running. The thatch spreads itself among the living grass and chokes the grass that is trying to grow. Combined with a lack of sunlight, the growing grass dies, only adding to the layer of thatch.
How does it work?
The little tubes of dirt that you always see on sports fields are the result of aeration. Small coils are rolled over the grass and sink into the ground. As the coil rolls, it pulls little tubes out of the ground and leaves them lying on top of the lawn. The coils break through the layer of thatch. The ground can then breathe and absorb the water that the thatch was preventing it from receiving.
The tubes of dirt are left on the lawn because they contain organisms that can eat away at the remaining thatch. These tubes will naturally break down and return to the ground. Raking them to spread them apart can help speed the break-down process. The reduction of the thatch allows grass seedlings to grow, thickening the grass.
From fall to spring, lawn aeration and general care are what we do best! Schedule your consultation today by calling (781) 762-7080.