With the quickly transitioning seasons from summer to fall and fall to winter, homeowners are scrambling to finish up the last-minute tasks. From unfinished home projects to lawn care, each one is equally as important as the other. The team here at AllGreen wants to take a moment to focus on why fall lawn care is especially important. This article covers a few reasons why and how to go about ensuring a lush green lawn next spring.

Stuff those scarecrows
The first step to fall lawn care is removing the leaves. Here in New England, there are plenty of leaves on the ground this time of year. Now is the best time of year to put the family to work. Hand over those rakes and make a day of yard work a fun experience by stuffing scarecrows for festive decorations.
Yes, you still need to cut the grass
Even though you’re anxious to put away the mower, now is not quite the time. Your lawn will continue growing until the first hard frost sets in. So keep on mowing. An ideal height to eliminate mold and protect your root system is around 3 inches.
Let Mother Nature do her job
Now, this only goes for a particularly wet fall season. However, if the season is dry, or there’s a sprinkle here or there, watering is a must-do. By keeping your yard watered, you are ensuring a stable root system that can flourish in the spring.
Whether you have an at-home tool or you rent an aerator, loosening your soil during the fall months is crucial. By doing so, you’re creating the perfect environment for the next step …

Giving the root system one last blast of nutrition before the ground freezes will help the grass bounce back in the spring. However, you’ll want to select a slow-release fertilizer designed for the colder fall months.
Cover up those bald spots
Fall is also the perfect time to overseed. However, it can also be one of the most challenging times of the year to do so. Once the seed is spread, it’s crucial to maintain them with cover and moisture until they become fully established.

If all of this sounds like too much work, it’s time to call in the team from AllGreen. From fall to spring, lawn care is what we do best! Schedule your consultation today by calling (781) 762-7080.