Unlike mosquitoes or flies, ticks are far sneakier in the sense that they’re quiet, their bites are almost completely painless, and they’re deviously small. And it’s not only the summer months when ticks are dangerous. Even on warm days in the spring, tick control in Massachusetts is something you need to think about.
Because of the year-round presence of ticks, professional lawn care in Massachusetts is of utmost importance. Luckily, as a part of our lawn care programs, AllGreen Lawn Care also utilizes a double-sided, highly effective means of tick control for your lawn.
We provide applications using a combination of granular and liquid treatments to aid in keeping your family and pets safe from ticks. Deer are the number one carrier for deer ticks that carry Lyme disease—threatening both you, your family, and your pets. We’ve developed a highly effective Deer Repellent to use for your Massachusetts tick control and lawn care.
Common tick species
What we’ve run into while working on lawn care in Massachusetts are primarily four types of ticks:
- Deer Tick – This tick gets its name from its favorite host, the white-tailed deer. Deer ticks are most likely to carry and pass Lyme disease to humans, but they carry plenty of other nasty diseases as well.
- Dog Tick – As the name suggests, these ticks are most often found on domesticated dogs. You usually encounter dog ticks in the spring and early summer. They can carry multiple diseases, including Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
- Lone Star Tick – The Lone Star tick gets its name from the white spot in the center of the adult female’s body. These ticks carry STARI (southern tick-associated rash illness), which has similar symptoms to Lyme disease.
- Brown Dog Tick – The brown dog tick looks like a deer tick and is often mistaken for it. Brown dog ticks are not known to carry Lyme disease, but they can carry Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Brown dog ticks are unusual in that they do not bury their heads in their victims’ skin, which makes them easier to remove.
If you’re unfortunate enough to fall victim to one of these ticks’ bites, it is possible that you’ll soon notice a rash around the site of the tick bite and may experience flu-like symptoms. Left untreated, the later signs of Lyme disease include severe joint pain. The joint pains will most likely start in the knees but can eventually spread to other joints. The more severe, long-lasting Lyme disease symptoms manifest themselves as neurological problems. Lyme disease patients often develop meningitis and even Bell’s palsy.
Check and remove
A huge part of tick control in Massachusetts is vigilance. Whenever you come back in from yard work, hiking, or even just hanging out on your lawn, always check yourself and your pets for ticks. Whenever possible, wear light-colored clothing and long sleeves and pants. Ticks are easier to spot on light colors, and the less access they have to your skin, the better. Thoroughly check your pets’ fur, especially their legs and belly, and anywhere they have longer fur.

Tick control from AllGreen
So there are very tangible dangers and health hazards that go along with these pests. But here at All Green Lawn and Tree, we’re prepared to professionally and promptly safeguard your lawn so that you won’t have to constantly worry about your family and pets while they’re enjoying the outdoors.