It’s often the case that many people get lulled into a false sense of security when it comes to winter tick control in MA. Many of us can’t comprehend the idea that an insect can survive, much less thrive, during the harsh winters we see here in New England, but that is, in fact, the case. Deer ticks (the carriers of Lyme disease) are most active from October to March, so neglecting tick control in MA can be a property owner’s biggest mistake.

The fact is that deer ticks carry and spread Lyme disease 12 months out of the year and, during the winter, it is hypothesized that the percentage of deer ticks carrying Lyme disease is greater because there are more adult ticks in the population. These are the ticks that are most likely to feed off of animals carrying Lyme disease and capable of transmitting the disease to you or your pets.
The Tick’s Peak Months
Dr. Thomas Mather from the University of Rhode Island says that the deer ticks’ peak number is actually in November, after the New England states have seen their first bit of frost. This, combined with the fact that ticks tend to seek out warm places on mammals from which to feed, makes tick control in MA a service that AllGreen highly recommends to any prudent property owner.
With AllGreen at your side, there’s no need to spend your entire year constantly worrying about being exposed to ticks because our pest control methods employ a combination of granular and liquid treatments that are safe for your family yet effectively stave off any significant influx of ticks. Simply call us today for a free estimate and save the sleepless nights for thinking about Christmas shopping!
If you’re interested in tick control in MA, contact us today!