While it may not seem essential to care for your lawn during the winter, it’s not something you should ignore! To ensure your lawn is in good condition come spring, here are four winter lawn care tips to keep your Massachusetts lawn in great shape!
As the winter months approach, it is essential to have a game plan for snowfall. Leave enough time to prepare for the winter so you can protect your lawn. Although we’re well into winter, rest assured our team at AllGreen Lawn Care is always here to assist!
Just before it’s expected to frost is the perfect time to aerate your lawn. Aeration removes plugs of soil from your yard to allow the very compact dirt to be looser and will enable the grass to have the vital air and water that it needs. You can rent an aerator machine, or you can hire AllGreen Lawn & Tree Care to help! After you have done this, make sure to fertilize your lawn to give your grass the essential nutrients it needs to prepare for the winter months ahead.
Keep your lawn clean
Keeping your lawn free from debris will help it over the winter months. Leaves left on a yard over the winter can trap moisture and can invite disease. To prevent this, move heavy wet leaf piles and remove any summer furniture off of your lawn.
After the first frost
After the first frost and into the winter months, it is best not to walk on your lawn as much as possible. Even healthy grass can become weak if a path is walked too many times. Keeping your driveways and walkways snow and ice-free will help you to not step on your lawn.

To keep your lawn healthy and happy, follow all of these steps to prepare the lawn. The easiest way to maintain your yard is to hire a professional. AllGreen Lawn & Tree can help you prepare for winter lawn care in Massachusetts. Save yourself the hassle, and rest assured that your lawn is in safe hands.
For more information on how we can help with your spring cleanups, summer maintenance, and winter preparations, contact our team today by calling (617) 327-5555 in West Roxbury and (781) 762-7080 in Norwood.