Ever come inside after playing with your pet only to find Fido has picked up a few friends along the way? Just like humans, dogs and cats can get tick-borne illnesses and allergic reactions from tick bites. Keep creepy and crawlies out of your home … [Read more...]
Mosquito Control Massachusetts: Avoid Disease Transmission
Controlling mosquito populations during a Massachusetts summer might sound like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Mosquitoes hibernate during cooler months and hatch when the weather reaches 50 degrees or higher. In Massachusetts, you’ll … [Read more...]
Lawn Care In Massachusetts Can Help Your Crabgrass Invasion
Lawn care in Massachusetts begins with controlling pesky crabgrass before it can take hold in your lawn this summer. Remember the dull crabgrass spots in your yard from last year? It’s time to start planning how your lawn care will look this spring. … [Read more...]
Tick Control MA: Lyme Disease Prevention Starts In Your Backyard
As the weather warms up and pests come out, tick control programs can keep your family safe from tick-borne illnesses in your own Massachusetts backyard this spring. As New Englander’s begin enjoying warm weather after a cold winter, Lyme disease … [Read more...]
Should You Worry About Mosquito Control in Massachusetts During the Winter?
Knowing when to protect yourself, your family, and your pets from biting pests is an imperative part of outdoor life in New England. However, there are many misconceptions about the times in which one should raise caution. For instance, mosquito … [Read more...]